

发布时间:2016-04-20 09:44:47    来源于:CBF聚焦网




在庆祝复活节的“圣周”仪式中,墨西哥各地掀起焚烧美国共和党总统参选人特朗普(Donald Trump)的肖像活动,作为驱除恶灵的象征。特朗普的反移民观点让墨西哥人愤怒不已。特朗普曾提议在美墨边境建立隔离墙,阻止非法移民和毒贩进入美国,并且隔离墙还要墨西哥来买单。他还谴责墨西哥“将强奸犯和毒贩送进美国”。墨西哥总统涅托已经表示,墨西哥不会就修建隔离墙掏钱,并将特朗普的“刺耳言论”与希特勒和墨索里尼等纳粹头子相提并论。奥巴马的肖像也被焚烧,或许与他执政期间上升的移民搜捕和驱逐有关,2013年,美国驱逐非法移民数创历史新高。


@Jame Hall (美国网友)

Trump will need a yuge impenetrable wall around him personally wherever he goes as he continues to make millions of enemies worldwide. Likely he won't be doing much travel. As a despised world famous villain it would be too dangerous for his entire entourage. Plus he's a bully and all bullies are cowards. Proven fact.(特朗普应该为自己建一面墙,因为他一直在世界各地树敌,幸好他不怎么外出旅行。他已经成了世界著名的恶棍,而且他总是欺负弱小,事实证明,这样的人一般都是懦夫。)


@ observant7 (网友)

Having President Obama as a part of their rant is just wrong headed. Cuba is on the way to becoming an accepted country on their own terms with the USA encouraging human rights adjustments. South America must take care of the own and not pan them off to America.(焚烧奥巴马肖像不太正确,古巴正在接受美国鼓励,对国家人权状况进行调整,南美国家也不应该排斥美国。)


@ grittygrits (网友)

I find it hilarious that people are offended that Trump, and Obama (although no one seems to be offended by that) were burned in effigy. The Mexicans do it every year and it's usually a political figure that has risen to the forefront that year - may be one of their own, may be not. Although they are not burned, NOLA Mardi Gras does something similar taking jabs at political figures on their floats. Trump's was AWESOME at The Muses - he was portrayed as an atomic fireball (candy type)!(没有必要觉得特朗普和奥巴马肖像被焚烧就是一种冒犯,墨西哥人每年都会进行这种活动,通常都是当年受关注的政治人士被焚烧,包括墨西哥本国的政治家。即使没有被焚烧肖像,在Mardi Gras狂欢纪念日上,也会以类似的方式刺坏花车上的政治名人画像。)



'The Wall' will save thousands of lives, including that of women and their children from have cross the treacherous desert on the US/Mexican border, not to mention the narco-terrorist and Mexican politicians that profit from this trade. As someone who supported Obama twice, Trump is 100% correct on this one. The liberal media did a great job twisting his words.(特朗普主张的边境墙可以拯救上千名人的性命,比如那些穿越美墨边境危险沙漠的妇女和儿童,更不用说,那些从中获利的缉查毒品的刑警和墨西哥政治家。我不仅支持奥巴马,也认为特朗普的政策百分之一百正确,这个媒体报道很好地曲解了事实。)




