

发布时间:2016-02-14 09:57:29    来源于:CBF聚焦网




 ‏@NYMag (美国《纽约》杂志)The historic Paris climate agreement doesn't sway conservative climate-change deniers.(具有历史性意义的巴黎气候协议并没有令否认气候变化的保守派动摇。)


 ‏@GreenAwakening (“大觉醒”网站联合创始人兼主编沙拉·劳福特)  Oil prices drop to 11-year lows,$36.54 per barrel, in Asia and Europe after Paris Agreement and OPEC vote to keep pumping. (受《巴黎协议》达成以及石油输出国组织承诺继续开采石油影响,欧亚地区油价跌至11年新低,每桶36.54美元。)


@ BhaskarChakrav (塔夫斯大学高级副院长巴斯卡·查卡拉沃迪) The Paris conference on climate change was quite the cliffhanger. Even till the last minute, we were left wondering: Will Paris be another Copenhagen?(巴黎大会上关于气候变化的谈判非常动人心弦。即便是到最后一刻,我们也想知道:《巴黎协定》会不会成为另一个《哥本哈根协定》?)


 ‏@BrookingsInst (美国政策研究机构布鲁金斯)There’s another historic dimension to the Paris convergence: For the first time, the insufficiency of existing technologies to curb global warming and the need to invest heavily in radically more effective new ones has emerged as a central—not peripheral—principle of the global climate community.(这次巴黎大会还有一层历史性意义:由于现有可抑制全球变暖的技术不足,要大举投资更有效的治本的新产品,这一点已经成为全球气候团体共同遵守的核心原则,而不是次要原则。)


@larry040667 (宾州西彻斯特大学历史学教授劳伦斯·戴维森)The Paris climate conference produced an international agreement for curtailing global warming, but resistance from some leaders, particularly Republicans in the U.S., makes the prospect for its implementation doubtful and thus dangerous.(部分国家领导人仍然抵抗巴黎气候大会上制定的减少全球变暖的国际协议,特别是共和党在美国,这使得这项协议是否能贯彻实施充满不确定性,这样的结果是危险的。)


@Agecommunity(澳大利亚《时代报》记者鲍尔·奥斯丁)Seventy years ago, the United Nations was created from the ashes of World War II. Seven decades later, in Paris, nations united in the face of another threat – the threat to life as we know it due to a rapidly warming planet. (七十年前, 在第二次世界大战的灰烬上成立了联合国于。七十年后,在巴黎,各个国家联合起来面对另一个威胁——正如我们所知,地球迅速变暖正威胁着我们的生活。)



