

发布时间:2015-07-02 14:30:45    来源于:CBF聚焦网


5月26日,在波士顿举行的全球最大的年度教育盛会NAFSA大会上,美国厚仁教育(Wholeren Education)发布了全球首份重点关注被开除留学生群体的数据报——《2015版留美中国学生现状白皮书》。数据显示,2013-4学年,预计8000名中国留学生因作弊被美国大学开除。

@AlfredSpellman  (美国传媒工作室Rakontur的联合创始人艾尔菲德·斯贝尔曼): “Chinese students used to be considered top-notch, but over the past five years their image has changed completely—wealthy kids who cheat。”(中国留学生以前给人的印象一直是出类拔萃,然而,在过去五年,这一形象全然崩塌——变成习惯作弊的富家子弟。)

@Roompact (芝加哥网友):“The Chinese student group has become too big and too diverse。” (中国留学生群体已经变得太庞大,也太过复杂。)

@FultonKuhn (美国网友):“More than 57 percent of students dismissed were due to low grade scores. Sixty-one percent of undergraduates dismissed had a GPA lower than 2.0, while 72 percent of post-graduates scored lower than 3.0. The white paper says an improper learning attitude, mental and physical problems were all factors that contributed to poor academic performance.”(超过57%的的学生是由于成绩不及格被开除。其中,57%的本科生平均分低于2.0,而72%的研究生得分低于3.0。白皮书说,不正确的学习态度,心理和生理问题等诸多因素,导致了学习成绩差。)

@USATODAYcollege (美国第二大报纸《今日美国》学院版):“ Most students find the admissions process stressful. But for Chinese students applying to U.S. schools, it’s even more intense.”(升学过程中,大多数学生都倍感压力。但对于申请美国大学里的中国学生,这种压力更强烈。)

@MattSchiavenza (《大西洋月刊》编辑马特·思琪文扎): “Chinese students have become a big market in the United States—and nobody understands this better than universities. Over 60 percent of Chinese students cover the full cost of an American university education themselves, effectively subsidizing the education of their American peers. But the symbiotic relationship between cash-strapped American schools and Chinese students is not without its problems.” (中国留学生已经成为一个大市场,没有任何机构比大学更能理解这一点。超过60%的中国留学生是自掏腰包,全额支付大学教育成本,这有效地资助对美国学生的教育。 但是,囊肿羞涩的美国学校和富有的中国留学生之间的关系却不是想象的那么甜蜜。)


