

发布时间:2015-06-02 15:12:02    来源于:CBF聚焦网




 ‏@Lucky Magazine (美国购物杂志《Lucky Magazine》): Princess Charlotte is expected to boost the British economy by an estimated $120 million. (夏洛特小公主预计将提振英国经济1.2亿美元。)

‏@BcardBusiness (《巴克莱商业》): From souvenirs to cakes, Princess Charlotte is set to boost the UK economy by £80 million (从纪念品到蛋糕,夏洛特小公主将为英国带来8000万英镑的商机。)

‏@casinorelease (著名博彩网站):The royal baby gave more money to people on its first day than some celebrities do in a lifetime (这个皇室宝贝的出生第一天给人们带来的财富比一些名人一生所能带来的都要多。)

@CNNMony(美国有线电视新闻财经版):Princess Charlotte will cost betting agencies £1 million(夏洛特公主这个名字让博彩公司损失100万英镑。)

@SOCRAT3S   (加拿大网民):The newest addition to the family will be worth $3oo million a year to the British economy before she even turns 10.(这位皇室新成员在她十岁以前,每年将会为英国经济带来3亿美元的收入。)

@Yahoo (雅虎官方推特): Princess Charlotte will be worth $2 billion to the British economy by the time she is 10-years-old. (夏洛特公主十岁时,将为英国经济带来20亿美元收入。)

@Prog_Preschool (英国杂志《Progressive Preschool》): Princess Charlotte estimated to be worth £80 million now - and up to £1billion by the time she is six years old! (夏洛特公主目前能带动8000万英镑收入,而到她六岁时这一数值将高达10亿英镑。)

@PulseNigeria247 (尼日利亚Pulse新闻网): “Everybody will be watching what she's wearing . When Kate buys something for her daughter, other people will follow suit. Just as they copy what Kate wears. There's a lot more fun in little girls' clothes than there is in boys' clothes. People love little girls' dresses. When she becomes a teenager and comes to pick her own clothes, girls will want to pick the same thing or go to the same designer.”(每个人都会关注她(夏洛特公主)的穿着,每当凯特王妃为女儿买些什么,其他父母也会跟着买,就像人们会模仿凯特王妃的穿着一样。而且比起男孩衣服,挑小姑娘的衣服要有趣的多。大家都喜欢打扮小女孩。而当夏洛特公主成长少女后,形成自己的穿衣品味,其他女孩也会买跟她一样的衣服,或是找同一个设计师。)


