

发布时间:2015-05-05 14:33:06    来源于:CBF聚焦网



 ‏@NewYorker  (美国杂志《纽约客》):Back in the early nineties, @HillaryClinton’s Presidential candidacy was imaginable only in an alternate universe.” (若是回到90年代,希拉里·克林顿成为总统候选人的画面,只有在另一个世界才能想象。)

@alexisxisabel (美国网友)  feminists are supporting Hillary cause she's a women" or maybe as feminists we hate republicans and there's no better choice. (女权主义者支持希拉里是因为她是个女人,亦或是她们反感共和党人,而又没有更好的选择。)

 ‏@GOPBlackChick (美国黑裔共和党人克里斯特尔·赖特): I'd love to see woman president. Any woman but Hillary. (我乐意看到美国能诞生一位女总统,但是希拉里除外。)

@CloydRivers :This country needs more Dubya and less Hillary. (这个国家需要的是多一些小布什这样的总统,而希拉里这样的人越少越好。)

 ‏@bryanboy (菲律宾最有名的时尚博主布莱恩·格雷·杨保):As much as I love Hillary, let's not forget HER HUSBAND SIGNED THAT nasty Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. SHE opposed gay marriage in 2008! (尽管我很喜欢希拉里,但是别忘了她的丈夫可是在1996颁布了可恶的《捍卫婚姻法案》,她本人也在2008年反对同性婚姻。)

‏@theblaze (TheBlaze.com网站)86 percent of 54K voters in left-leaning @msnbc poll say they do not plan on voting for @HillaryClinton in 2016: (左倾微软国家广播公司的民意调查显示,受访的54000名选民中,86%表示不准备2016年投票支持希拉里。)


‏@ (《国际财经时报》) : Hillary Clinton enters the 2016 presidential race with enormous advantages -- most of which, unfortunately for her, come with built-in disadvantages. Her lack of competition gives her little chance to hone her debating skills. Her status as presumptive nominee means she has to win lopsided victories in the primaries or be seen as weak. And while her association with President Barack Obamamay help her with the coalition that put him in the White House, it undercuts her ability to cultivate support from white Democratic men, the Democratic constituency that most consistently voted against him.(希拉里·克林顿参加2016年总统大选有着巨大的优势——不幸的是,其中大部分也让她处于劣势。缺乏对手使她没什么机会磨练辩论技巧。获得总统候选人预定提名意味着她必须在初选中赢得压倒性胜利,否则就会被视为软弱。她与现任总统奥巴马的来往,虽然帮她获得曾助奥巴马联盟的支持,但同时也削弱了自己培养白人共和党选民支持的能力,而这部分人大多数一直反对奥巴马 。)

@1jamiefoster  (美国网友)Hillary's biggest disadvantage is her complete lack of scruples or principles? (希拉里最大的劣势是她完全毫无顾忌,或者说是没有信念。)


