

发布时间:2015-04-03 14:05:57    来源于:CBF聚焦网



@Diplomat_APAC(美国外交官亚太时事杂志):In another context, those decisions might have gone mostly unnoticed. However, the U.S. insured this would be global news by its stark opposition to the AIIB, and by its shocking sharp response to London’s decision to join — effectively accusing the U.K. of appeasing China. (换一种情况的话,这几国加入AIIB的事情可能都没什么人会注意。是美国的激烈反对,和指责英国讨好中国的尖锐声明,把这件事搞得人尽皆知。)

@CSIS (华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心): The United States’ effort to discourage allies from joining the AIIB is counter-productive.  A little unsure as to why the U.S. has chosen to pick a fight with the UK on this bank at this time. In reality, U.S. interests would be better served by having as many of its close partners involved in the new institution as possible, especially in the early stages when crucial governance, safeguard, and lending processes are designed.(美国阻碍盟国加入AIIB只能适得其反,不是很明白它为什么要在这个时候跟英国过不去。事实上,趁现在AIIB的核心管理、安全防护和借贷程序还处在设计阶段,美国应当尽量把自己的亲密伙伴都送进这个新组织,这才是保护美国利益的优等策略。)

@ guest-snmojen(英国网友):America poodle to Chinese Lapdog?The UK should do what is right for itself. China will be number two for quite some time, and hedging is a natural approach to keep the UK going. To borrow from the late great Mr. Spock, I would say to the UK: “Live long and Prosper!” (英国从美国小贵宾变成了中国小哈巴?英国有权利做自己认为正确的事。今后很长一段时间内中国都会是世界第二强国,英国要继续发展自然要回避与其对抗。借用伟大的Mr. Spock先生一句话,我想对英国说:愿你生生不息。)


@sikko6(日本网友):AIIB will become World Bank replacement. Asia doesn't have many countries that will need AIIB loans. Rather it will provide loans to African and Latin American countries. (AIIB会取代世界银行。亚洲没多少国家需要AIIB贷款,它的服务对象更多是在非洲和拉丁美洲。)

@laurencechandy (劳伦斯·钱迪,著名智库布鲁金斯学会研究员):Fans of @WorldBank should view rise of the AIIB positively. Can trigger necessary reforms including more leverage of IDA funds & more speed.(世界银行的粉丝应当积极看待AIIB的崛起。它可以促使世行开展一些必要的改革,包括提高名下基金运转速度,提高对欠发达国家和地区的影响力。)

@JayLindberg(网友): This is a great move for the region and possibly humanity. The US needs an attitude adjustment and the Rothchilds empire needs real competition and reform. This is a really good thing. (这对亚洲地区来说是很棒的进步,可能对全人类来说也是。美国需要调整自己的态度,罗斯柴尔德银行帝国也需要一个真正的对手来刺激改革。)


