

发布时间:2014-12-29 11:23:23    来源于:CBF聚焦网



@60Minutes(60分钟,美国知名新闻杂志节目):"We haven't gained anything in 50 yrs...Why keep repeating the same old mistake?" says a former American diplomat on the U.S.-Cuba agreement. (某前美国外交家表示:“我们从过去50年的对峙中没得到任何好处……所以为什么要继续这个错误呢?”)

@tparsi(全美最大伊朗裔美国人民间组织领袖特里塔·帕西):Almost everything the president said about the failure of America’s Cuba policy could be said of our policy on Iran. If It's True on Cuba, It's True on Iran. (总统承认对古巴政策的失败,就等于承认对伊朗的失败。如果制裁对古巴无效,对伊朗同理。)

@benfergusonshow(CNN时政评论员本·弗格森):So @BarackObama says we need to get over things that happened in the past before most were born(Cuba)!! Does this logic apply to slavery? (奥巴马说,我们应当跨越历史障碍,忘记那些发生在大多数人还未出生前的陈年旧事。这个逻辑对奴隶史也适用吗?)

@damiencave(《纽约时报》编辑戴米恩·卡夫,现驻古巴): At the hospital in Cardenas today we asked to photograph and interview a doc. The initial knee-jerk response from hospital officials was no way, never. On the way out, the young doc shook my hand and apologized. "Next time you come, I hope, we will be more open." The doc didn't say it, but one word seemed to crossing his mind: Ojala: the Cuban version of Inshallah - God willing. This is the new Cuba. (今天在一家古巴医院我们请求拍照并采访一名医生,医院官员表示永无可能。出去的路上那位年轻医生跟我们道歉,说“希望下次你再来的时候,我们会更开放”。)


@marcorubio(美国弗罗里达州参议员马克·卢比奥): Today @RaulCastroR made it very clear that change in U.S. #CubaPolicy does not mean #Cuba govt will change. (今天卡斯特罗说得很清楚了,美国改变对古巴政策,并不意味着古巴也会改变。)

@weknowwhatsbest(热门草根时政评论者):The president single handedly negotiated the deal with Cuba. They'll get billions, he got this cool hat. (总统单枪匹马与古巴搞定谈判。古巴会因此获得成千上亿美元,他自己戴着帽子抽雪茄就好了。)

@MarkMurphy(福克斯新闻记者马克·墨菲):The idea of traveling to Cuba is one that has been romanticized about in movies and popular culture. It might take a while, but you'll eventually have the chance to put yourself into that scene. But not before some serious political and infrastructure changes are made. (受电影和流行文化影响,美国人关于古巴旅行的幻想过于浪漫化了。在两国政策和本地基础设施得到实质性改变之前,你们暂时不会有机会实现幻想。)


