

发布时间:2014-12-02 11:04:06    来源于:CBF聚焦网



‏@chicoharlan(《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家奇可•哈兰):Big news out of Japan. With Abenomics on the ropes, AbeShinzo dissolves parliament, calls for new elections, and delays tax increase.(来自日本的大新闻。安倍经济学无力回天,安倍晋三解散了众议院,号召重新选举,推迟了的消费税增长。)


@LowyInstitute(洛伊国际经济政策研究所):Abe’s justification for the snap election is to seek a mandate to delay a planned increase in the consumption tax from 8% to 10%, originally scheduled for October 2015. This is a flimsy excuse indeed, given the LDP’s overwhelming majority in both houses of parliament. The Government can revisit the consumption tax legislation and get it through whenever it pleases.(安倍提前选举的理由是强制推迟原定2015年将消费税从8%提升到10%的计划。但这的确是一个脆弱的理由,考虑到自由民主党在两院中的绝对优势地位,政府完全可以重新审视消费税立法,并在任何他们喜欢的时候通过这条令。)


@RikkiKerstern(澳大利亚默多克大学日本政治史专家瑞吉•克尔斯滕):Japan has just officially gone into recession, voters in the regions have not seen the benefits of the quantitative-easing aspect of Abenomics, and their wages are not keeping pace with inflation.(日本刚刚陷入衰退之中,各地区的选民们没有看到安倍经济学量化宽松方面带来的利益,他们的工资涨幅依然跟不上通货膨胀速度。)

@zerohedge(财经博客Zero Hedge): “Godfather” of Abenomics Hamada Koichi admits Japanese policy “is a Ponzi game. Taxpayers may revolt. It is important that Japanese policymakers send a clear signal that the government was willing to do whatever it takes to smash deflation and pave the way for wage increases for millions of workers”.(安倍经济学之父滨田宏一承认日本的政策是一场“庞氏骗局。纳税人可能会反对。对于日本政策制定者来说,重要的是传递一个明显信号,表明政府愿意不惜一切来打击通货紧缩并且为几百万工人的工资上涨铺平道路。)

@WilliamPesek(彭博社观点专栏作家威廉•佩塞克):Japan Needs Action, Not Elections. Too often consensus in Japan is an excuse for inaction. Japanese voters – not to mention international investors -- gravitated to Abe because he promised decisiveness.(日本需要的是行动,不是选举。很多时候达成共识在日本是不行动的一个借口,日本选民——更不用说外国投资者——倾向于选安倍正是因为他承诺会果断行动。)


