

发布时间:2013-03-04 14:29:42    来源于:CBF聚焦网


@包凡(对于日本采取的超宽松货币政策,华兴资本的创始人和首席执行官包凡警告说):Japan has decided to inflate their way out of the troubles. A new round of currency war just broke out. Korea and Taiwan, watch out!(日本想通过通货膨胀来摆脱现在的困难。新一轮的货币战争刚刚打响,韩国和台湾要小心了!)

@网友探险家安东尼:Taiwan took Jap Yen as a major currency? I guess Taiwan and Korea will inflate their currency as well. Then, how about the house price in these two places? (台湾把日元当做主要货币?我猜它们也会增加货币发行量。那么,这两个地方的房价又会如何?)


@黄杰夫(洲际交易所ICE董事总经理引用美联储官员的一段话来说明货币贬值的危害):"Devaluing a currency," one senior US Federal Reserve official once said, "is like peeing in bed. It feels good at first, but pretty soon it becomes a real mess."(“让某个货币贬值就像尿床一样。”美联储的一位高级官员说,“一开始感觉很好,但是很快就发现这是一团糟。”)

@JohnRoss431(前伦敦副市长,上海交大访问教授John Ross认为“货币战争”会将世界分为两个阵营):US & Japan’s “currency war” is tending to reinforce an international alignment of economic forces. On one side China + Africa + Latin America + Europe + some Asian countries who suffer from Japan's currency devaluations. On other side US & Japan. Important to watch this trend. (美国和日本发起的“货币战争”会增强世界上各个经济体的阵营化。一边是中国、非洲、拉丁美洲、欧洲和部分保守日元贬值之苦的亚洲国家;另一边是日本和美国。这种趋势值得注意。)


@萧暘(苏格兰皇家银行市场和国际银行副总裁萧暘认为原本应该阻止无限制量化宽松行为的G20财长峰会没有发挥作用):G20 steps back from currency brink, heat off Japan. The market will take the G20 statement as an approval for what it has been doing -- selling of the yen。(G20避开了有关货币的话题,减轻了日本的压力。市场会认为这是G20赞成日本现在正在做的抛售日元的行为)。

@鲁里埃尔-鲁比尼(末日博士鲁比尼对G20的作用和意义表示不屑):Organizations such as G20 are mostly talking shops: Nation states debate how to cooperate, but then follow own national interest.(像G20这样的组织基本上就是茶话会:各个国家在会上讨论它们应当如何合作,然会在会议结束后各顾各的。)


