

发布时间:2012-09-28 12:39:44    来源于:CBF聚焦网


@Kevin_McCarthy(伦敦发展促进署伦敦教育局主任凯文•麦卡锡在伦敦残奥会闭幕式后表示):London says goodbye to the Olympic and Paralympic Games with an amazing firework display over the river Thames. It was a great display of red, white and blue fireworks!(泰晤士河上的一片绚丽焰火表演中,伦敦向奥运会和残奥会说再见。红白蓝相互映衬,构成一场伟大的表演!)

@网友Vanessa6679:It reminded me of BJ Olympics. The fireworks displayed in footprints from the Forbidden City area to the Olympics venue during the opening ceremony. I actually saw the footprints through my window.(这让我想起了北京奥运会开幕式时,烟火表演从故宫地区开始,一直持续到奥林匹克体育场。透过我家窗户能看到焰火燃放的痕迹。)

@网友Namkilhamo:See you in 2016!(2016年见)

@JohnRoss(伦敦前伦敦副市长、上海交大访问教授John Ross对美国的QE3政策将造成的影响表示担忧):The announcement of QE3 is leading to a further rapid increase in world commodity prices. Commodity prices are now above their level of a year ago and 20% above their level in June 2012. This will create significant inflationary pressures in world economy and China.(美国宣布实施第三次量化宽松政策正在导致全世界商品价格急剧上升。现在商品价格已经超过了去年同期水平,比2012年7月也高出了20个百分点)。这会给世界经济和中国带来很大的通胀压力。)

@网友少萍_iris:QE3 may be would push and help temporarily, however, more money in the market… but in my pocket with salary, the money will be same as before. Worst, I have to pay more to buy sth, such as the gold.(第三次量化宽松也许能够暂时起到推动作用。不过,市场上的钱多了,我口袋里的钱却没变化,更糟的是,我不得不花更多的钱来买东西,比如黄金。)

@网友唐晓瞳_唐唐小吃货:Can we still remain optimistic on the Chinese economy?(我们现在还能对中国经济保持乐观态度吗?)

@MitchFree(全球最大的制造业在线市场MFG.com的尝试人Mitch Free在看到有关iPhone5能提高美国GDP增长率的文章后提出质疑):The reports about the iPhone 5 boosting GDP in the U.S. is sad and confusing. It is not even made in America. (那些有关iPhone5能够刺激美国GDP增长的文章很糟糕,很令人困惑。它甚至都不在美国生产。)

@网友Sam003:But most of the profits go into Apple’s pocket(但是大多数利润都跑进了苹果的口袋里了)

@RachelShirleyShen:回复@Sam003: it’s a quality from China. Asian manufacturing. (它是中国制造的高质量产品,提升了亚洲制造业。)


