

发布时间:2012-05-03 11:18:24    来源于:CBF聚焦网


@JohnRoss431(前伦敦副市长,上海交大访问教授John Ross): Most American products are priced higher in China than in the U.S. China’s wage costs are lower than the U.S., and commodity prices are the same, therefore Starbucks makes 34.6% profit in China and 21.8% in the U.S. 绝大多数美国商品在中国的标价要比在美国高。由于中国的工资成本又比美国要低,而商品价格由基本相同,这也就是为什么星巴克在中国的利润率为34.6%而在美国只有21.8%。

网友@f117_wet123:This really depends on how you will position your product. If your product is positioned for rich people, yes, you are right. But if your product positioned for common people, then this is not the case.这绝对是取决于你如何定位自己的商品。如果你的产品定位于富人阶层,那么你是正确的,但如果你的产品定位于普通人,那么就是另外一回事了。

网友@童枕头:Isn’t it because of the import tax? Besides, Starbucks has much smaller segment in China. They are wealthy and willing to pay more. The demand in China is quite different from that in United Kingdom and United States.这难道不是因为进口税的原因吗。星巴克在中国只针对很小的客户群。他们有钱并且愿意花大钱。在中国的需求与在英美两国有很大不同。

@鲁里埃尔-鲁比尼(美国纽约大学Stern商学院教授):In my speech at the CDF in Beijing I argued that China risks a hard landing unless it implements rapidly reforms that increase consumption.在北京举行的发展中国论坛(CDF)演讲中,我论证了中国存在硬着陆的风险,除非中国推行增加消费的快速改革。

网友@MinGeR_:Due to the inflation and the low income level, the purchasing power of Chinese citizens cannot be enhanced currently. Furthermore, state-owned companies dominate in all the industries. Private-owned companies are in a tough situation. If the citizens are not rich, no consumption.由于通货膨胀和低收入水平,中国公民的购买力现在还无法得到增强。另外,国有企业占据了所有行业,私人企业境况糟糕。公民们没有钱,就不会消费。







