

发布时间:2012-04-05 12:40:59    来源于:CBF聚焦网


@鲁里埃尔•鲁比尼(鲁比尼全球经济咨询公司董事长、美国纽约大学Stern商学院教授):China’s Q1 growth could be as low as 5.4% SAAR (RGE forecast) as exports slow, real estate deflates and infrastructure investment slows down 随着出口额的下降、房地产市场萎缩和基础设施投资减缓,中国在第一季度的经济增速可能会降低至5.4%(鲁比尼全球经济咨询公司预测)。

网友@让胜利之先为不可胜:that will kill the bull market world wide... And if it were 5.4, what official number will be published 这将会谋杀掉全世界的牛市……,如果增长率真是5.4%的话,官方数据会是多少呢?

网友@神马的云浮:Could the outcome be better? (官方的)结果会更好吗?

网友@莫妮卡的思维片段:回复@神马的云浮: The official number will be better for sure. :) 官方的数据当然会更好 ?

@麦德能M_McDonough(彭博经济学家,研究领域包括新兴市场和全球宏观经济):Chinese home prices continue to show MoM weakness; prices rise in just 3 of 70 cities in Feb: 中国的房价环比持续衰弱,在2月份,70座城市仅有3座房价上升。

网友@喜欢看话剧的石头:How about Beijing?北京怎么样?

@麦德能M_McDonough:回复@喜欢看话剧的石头:• Beijing new home prices fell 0.1% m/m; fell 0.4% Y/y • Shanghai new home prices fell 0.2% m/m; fell 0.4% Y/y 北京的新楼盘价格环比下跌0.1%,同比下跌0.4%,上海的新楼盘价格环比下跌0.2%,同比下跌0.4%。

@Alicia-Garcia-Herrero(西班牙对外银行新兴市场首席经济学家):Do not worry too much about the Chinese lowering the growth target. It simply indicates what the floor is 对于中国降低经济增长目标不要太过担心,它只是说明底线是多少。

网友@waterst: Do you really believe that China will keep it GDP growth under 8%? 您真的以为中国的GDP增速会低于8%吗?

@Alicia-Garcia-Herrero回复@waterst: I think 7.5% is just a floor. The outside world has paid too much importance to it.我认为7.5%是一个底线,外界对这个关注过多了。

@网友waterst回复@Alicia-Garcia-Herrero: The appreciation of RMB to USD combining with global economic recovery will promote Chinese GDP higher than 10%, even 12%, this year in my opinion. why we need under 8%? 我认为人民币兑美元汇率的升高以及全球经济复苏会让中国的GDP增长达到10%甚至12%。我们为什么需要“低于8%”?

@Alicia-Garcia-Herrero回复@waterst: I very much doubt it will be so high plus appreciation of RMB would actually play in opposite direction if it were to happen. 我很怀疑增长率会有如此之高,另外就算人民币继续升值,它所起的也是反作用。


